Where is the scaphoid bone of the wrist?
The anatomy of the wrist joint is extremely complex, probably the most complex of all the joints in the body. The joint is actually a collection of . These joints and bones let us use our hands in many ways. The wrist must be extremely mobile to give our hands a full range of motion. At the same time, the wrist must provide the strength for heavy gripping.
The wrist is made up of eight separate small bones, called the:
The scaphoid bone is a carpal bone near the base of the thumb. The carpal bones connect the two bones of the forearm, the radius and the ulna, to the bones of the hand. The metacarpal bones are the long bones that lie underneath the palm.
The metacarpals attach to the phalanges, which are the bones in the fingers and thumb.
One reason that the wrist is so complicated is because every small bone forms a joint with the bone next to it.
This means that what we call the wrist joint is actually made up of many small joints. Ligaments connect all the small bones to each other, and to the radius, ulna, and metacarpal bones.
The is a small carpal bone on the thumb side (radial side) of the wrist. It is the most commonly fractured carpal bone.
This is probably because it actually crosses two rows of carpal bones, forming a hinge.
A fall on the outstretched hand puts heavy stress on the scaphoid bone. This stress can cause either a small crack through the middle of the bone or a complete separation of the bone into two pieces. A separation is called a displaced fracture.
Related Document: Waterdown Physiotherapy's Guide to Wrist Anatomy